Wednesday, July 27, 2016

THC Testing Kits Made It Impossible To Beat the Marijuana Test

It is uncertain to determine how long you will test positive for marijuana because the rate of THC metabolism varies with individuals. Occasional users are more likely to test positive for one to three days after the use of the drug. In case of the frequent users, they might prove positive even after ten days of last using marijuana.

But the important thing to remember is that it doesn’t mean that a heavy cannabis addict will come clean of THC metabolites after ten days. In some cases it has been noticed that a heavy user have been detected positive even after two months. As, it has been stated earlier the marijuana test results entirely depends on the metabolism process of a person.   

The invention of the highly sophisticated THC testing kit made it quite impossible to conceal the marijuana addiction. THC is a fat-soluble psychoactive element in marijuana and not water-soluble at all. Water-soluble elements would dissolve from the human body within days, but not the fat-soluble. A person’s consumption frequency along with his/her lifestyle factors are the variables that determines how long marijuana will stay put in the body.

A short-time pause in the use of marijuana doesn’t stop the peak of THC presence in the body. Actually THC level heightens for days after somebody stops marijuana use. The drug screening through THC testing kits accurately measures the presence of THC level in the body.

Few people thing that increasing water intake is a possible way to beat the marijuana drug test. To an extent it is true, but not entirely. As, described earlier marijuana is a fat-soluble that stays in our fat cells and could be detectable even after thirty days no matter how much water you drink.

Wrong positives are quite common for the test of other substances, but not in the test of marijuana due to the highly sophisticated THC testing kit. Earlier, drugs such as Nuprin, Advil, and Motrin were responsible to produce false marijuana positives. However, the THC testing kits are perfectly equipped to eliminate that confusion.

Marijuana can be detected through blood and urine test, but the latter is the most preferred home drug testing methods. Urine tests may show up positive up to a hundred days, whereas blood tests will detect the presence of THC for up to one week. The bottom line is that if you are to take on a urine test for a very short notice for employment or other purposes and you have recently taken marijuana, you are definitely going to fail the test. It is a well accepted truth in the case of heavy or frequent smokers of marijuana. The only way to beat the test is to stop taking the drug.

A user’s risk of a potential cardiac arrest could increase up to five times in the first one hour of smoking marijuana. The continuous and longtime use of marijuana cause psychotic symptoms. It also weakens the human body’s ability to fight illness and especially lung infections. After alcohol it is marijuana that is most popular all over the world, and the worrying thing is that marijuana production has increased tenfold over the last one decade.

Author Bio: Steve Atkins is a physician and a vocational rehabilitation counselor. Right now he is writing on the subject related to the need of random drug screening at home, schools, and workplace by using THC testing kit. He is actively involved in the movement of driving away drugs from society.

THC Test Kits Are a Great Help for Early Detection of Drug Abuse

The epidemic of drugs plagues our whole world and the biggest reason responsible for this is the easy availability of drugs. But the bright side is there are so many ways to beat a drug addiction. In the crusade against drugs rehabilitation centers are playing a huge part.

Once you have accepted that you have a problem with marijuana, drug rehabilitation centers are the perfect place, where you will build a strong foundation for a fast recovery. Even though the decision for an addiction treatment program often comes during the early stages of recovery, it is arguably the single most important factor when it comes to guaranteeing long-term sobriety.

Many drug addicts choose to go cold turkey, few opt for treatment at an outpatient rehab, and others prefer one of the most proven and safest routes, an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab. The single most important factor is to identify your problem with the forbidden medicine early, and detect the level of THC in your body with the help of THC test kit. Early detection played a crucial role in dissuading anyone from using drugs as the most relapses happen early during recovery.

Going cold turkey: The term signifies to stop using the substance forever. It is certainly the most difficult option to select as the addicted person chooses to avoid drugs entirely on his own without seeking any medical or professional supervision. You need to have the extreme mental strength to stop using drugs on your own. But if a person successfully does it, the chances of involving with this practice in the future are minimal.

Outpatient option: Due to the chemical nature of drug addiction, the first step towards recovery occurs during the detoxification process. The outpatient option provides medical support for any necessary detoxification process up to the period of recovery along with mental and psychological assistance.

Inpatient option:  The most beneficial of all other methods is the inpatient options. After confirming the addiction through THC test kits, the addict is provided with a 24/7 professional support. This stage includes several processes.

1.      No access to marijuana
2.      Keeping the patient under strict supervision
3.      Applying several therapy options (yoga, meditation, routine exercise)
4.      Providing the patient balanced and nutrient diet
5.      Making the patient more social and encouraging to make new friends
6.      Motivating the patients to take responsibility and work in a group
7.      Preventing the patients from negative influence

The addict (now can be called patient) can be benefited through the rehab program in two ways, first physically and second psychologically.

Physical benefits: There are immediate physical benefits of enrolling in an inpatient drug rehab program. Needless to say, that the rehabilitation program will certainly boost the deteriorating health of the patient and make him stronger physically.

Psychological benefits: The psychological benefits of the drug rehab program are immense and far reaching. The whole exercise makes the patient mentally strong. The patient gets back the ability of sound thinking that was screened by the excessive use of THC. The different psychotherapy options provide the patient mental strength and self-dependency. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Know How Marijuana Drug Test Kit Can Help You

The reason why we buy the Marijuana test kit is to confirm your urine drug test result before you can appear for the actual drug test. Now the next important question that might come to the minds of the readers is how the Marijuana drug testing kit can help us. The answer is - the more effective is the drug kit, the more it will contribute to the perfect drug testing

Marijuana Test Kit

Readers are often restless to know how the home drug testing kit can help them. Here are some important facts of Marijuana Drug Test Kit, which give you a clear idea about how effective these test kits are. Moreover, an insight into the pros and cons make it very easy to help you take the right decision regarding the test kit.

 The advantages of Marijuana Test Kits

·          Extremely easy to perform and obtain results. Hence, the buyers should be discouraged to buy the product for the complexities of handling it.
·          It provides one of the most accurate and corrects result that the users must be expecting out of an expensive drug test kit.
·          Test results are very easily obtained within a very short time period, which is certainly a good news for the users
·           The simple door-to-door ordering process and the quick delivery time make it even more attractive to buy the test kit for sure.

In compared to the advantages the disadvantages are negligible which confirms the fact that by buying the Marijuana test kit, one will not be dissatisfied.

 There are few points, which should be taken into account while buying the potency test kit like:

·         Substances like bleach and alum in the urine  sample may create an incorrect result
·          It is essential to follow the instruction provided in the test kit to acquire the accurate rest that is desirable.

A proper customer care support is what is expected while you buy the product from a particular company this can help to a get extent in mitigating any issue regarding handling the product correctly. Actually, you can have a one to one talk with the support team to get answers to all your questions while handling the kit.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Conduct Easy and Affordable Drug Test with the Help of THC Test Kit

Drug testing kits are the most important tools families have when it comes to immune their children from drug dependency. It should be implemented earlier in a child’s life to prevent them from practicing experiment with marijuana. When parents are not conscious of both the long and short-term risk of marijuana use, children can quickly and easily change their course of lives. This can sometimes happen within a matter of days.

test THC kits

The THC test kit test is reliable yet a cheaper way of screening the drug abuse. Every drug test involves a predetermined detection level, which can tell if a drug test is positive or negative, but the notable thing is that these tests do not give any information regarding the amount of drug present in the body. The most important thing in the treatment of drug dependency is early detection. The more quickly an addiction problem gets detected; the more precise preventive actions could be taken. If drug use is left untreated, it usually worsens over time.

Just like we take up routine medical checkups to ensure better health and wellness of our children, we must also conduct drug test through test THC kits. Drug testing your child will discourage them from taking drugs and in turn, this will protect them from illegal, dangerous drug abuse. Remember that different types of tests call for different detection times.           

Following Cannabis use via smoking, vaporizing and other inhalation means, THC is rapidly absorbed and distributed into body fat and it can be found in blood, oral saliva, sweat, and hair. The use of cannabis can be easily detected in the THC test kit. Noninvasive and easily affordable drug test can be performed in your household through the help of these kits and can be used to detect drugs like marijuana, heroin, morphine, and cocaine. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Marijuana Test Kit Helps You to Get a Drug Free Life

Marijuana is the most commonly used drug of abuse all over the world, and its craze among the teenagers is gaining immense popularity. Delta-9-tetrohydra-cannabinol is commonly referred to as THC is the primary component in marijuana. THC is more lethal and potent in today’s strains of marijuana than the THC from a few decades ago. Using of the drug as a teenager is particularly harmful because it badly affects the function of their brain.    
marijuana test kit

How to help marijuana addict:

Marijuana addiction is a problem, but the bigger problem is how to help an addict to get out of it. The main hindrance lies in the cure of a marijuana addict, is to identify him/her as an addict, because determining a person is an addict takes time, a lot of symptoms needs to be followed closely. Therefore, it is highly advisable to the parents to do, an addiction test through marijuana test kit.

ü  The treatment of marijuana addiction starts with a procedure called a detox phase. After the addiction is confirmed through marijuana test kit, you can seek the help of detox clinics. These clinics expertly treat the physical withdrawal symptoms and provide exact medical assistance. 
ü  Asking advice from a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist has proved greatly helpful, especially for the heavy users or for those in denial.
ü  Rehabilitation centers and addiction support groups are also useful to abandon addiction. In rehab centers, spending time talking to people who share their experience and offer mental support and advice is beneficial for those who seek a drug-free life. Professional intervention is the only way to help the marijuana addict in the long term.

Early detection of the marijuana addiction is a crucial part, and so many companies have come up with new and highly advance addiction test kits to make the detection process faster and accurate.  Overcoming the addiction of marijuana is quite possible, you just need to take professional advice and adopt proper treatment process

Friday, July 1, 2016

THC Testing Kit Have Made Drug Testing At Home Easier and Confidential

There is statistical evidence that suggests that teens are getting involved in drug use at the very early stage of their life. The problem appears to be more widespread and deep rooting than parents and guardians may suspect. Injecting chemical changes in the brain through the use of prohibited substances like THC can therefore have far more serious adverse effects on teenagers than on adults.
THC potency test kit

Mostly drug testing is conducted on:

Workplace Drug Testing on Employees
Drug testing works best when implemented based on a clear, written policy that is shared with all employees, along with employee education about the dangers of drug abuse. Many companies believe that conducting random drug test by using THC testing kit on employees will enhance the awareness of the evil effects of drugs and immune them from this practice.  

Drug Test at Home on Teenagers-
Drug testing tools such as THC potency test kit and THC testing kit have made drug testing at home extremely popular among parents, these tools are also used in schools. With drug test kits, parents can easily counter the threat of drug consumption. Home drug test have several advantages over laboratory test because they are private, convenient, affordable, and provide faster result.

There are different methods of drug testing done. Urine, breath, blood, hair and saliva or oral fluids can be used for the drug detection.

Drugs that can be detected trough the THC testing kit are as follows: 
·         THC (hash, marijuana)
·         Cocaine
·         Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust)
·         Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)
·         Amphetamines (speed, meth, ecstasy)

Thanks to the modern innovations and advances in medical technology, we could detect the presence of any intoxicating elements in a human body, especially on teens far more easily and accurately. Prevention is better than cure, and to prevent the evil of drugs, first of all we should try to educate our children about the potential risks of consuming drugs and its detrimental effects.